Attention Band Geeks
If you haven't heard, Osky's marching band is getting all new uniforms (they gradually phased in new pants, shoes, and hats this season, and will have new jackets next season). In my opinion, they do not look nearly as sweet and I'm not happy. Nonetheless, my mom and Kyle report that for a limited time, while supplies last, you can buy one of the old "aussie" style hats that we used to wear for $10. I've already placed my order.
Does that include the plume??
No, the plumes are long gone due to mishandling and theivery; I'm set though, one seems to have followed me as I've moved on...
In case anyone wants to order one, or just to get back in touch with Al...
whoa, hang on...the same person accusing others of "mishandling and thievery" just happens to have ended up with one? legitimately, i hope??
the new uniform actually doesn't look so bad, when you see it all together. one person was wearing it at the last home fb game, and it really looks pretty sharp. michelle and i were speculating on the reason for buying black shoes and covering them with white spats, but even michelle (who was very vocally anti-new uniforms) had to admit she liked them.
on another band-related side note, i saw dameon place at the williamsburg/osky game last wednesday and had a nice chat with him. he seems to be enjoying his band program and is having a pretty good first year of teaching.
well, i better stop talking about band now, lest i invoke some kind of cynical comment from robert. :) and, just for the record, let's remember that i'm only technically a one-year band geek. hmm, not sure if that makes this post more or less "geeky"...
Sorry to disappoint, but nothing cynical or crass to say.
but I do have one of the little silver, plastic badges in the shape of a star. (discontinued after like frosh. year i think).
I do believe I already have a hat stashed somewhere. No plume though. And Robert, just one star? I think if I really searched, I may come up with five or so...
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