Thursday, March 19, 2009

UPDATED Reunion Schedule!


Here is the official information regarding the 10 year class reunion.

1) We will "unofficially" start things off Friday night at Friday after Five at the town square in Oskaloosa.

The reunion itself will take place Saturday, June 27th at 7 PM in the basement of Doc Salami's. We have the basement reserved for the whole evening.

2) The menu has been set and I will be sending out this menu to each of you. The cost will be $15 for one person and $30 per couple if paid for by June 1st. After June 1st, the cost will be $17.50 for one person & $35 per couple.

This deadline will give the restaraunt a preliminary headcount so they can be prepared.

3) As far as plans for Saturday afternoon, there are no "official" plans, but I know some people would like to have a potluck-style Family Picnic, while others would like to golf, etc.

I personally will not be planning these Saturday afternoon events, but I would be more than happy to help anyone that does want to plan these events.

4) I am still working on amassing mailing addresses. 

If you have not sent me your mailing information, please do so. 

I would also like to put information about your family (spouse's name and child(ren)'s name(s)) in a "program" for each of us to have.

I will be updating the addresses that I have, and I will post those people that I do not have addresses for. I ask that if you can help me in any way, please do, because I want EVERY MEMBER of our class to get an invitation.

If anyone has any questions or comments, please feel free to email me.

Thank you.

Eddie Pierson


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