Friday, July 28, 2006

Caption Contest...

Going through my photos and just had to share. And why not make a caption contest out of it. Give me your best one.

Prizes (yet to be determined) will be awarded...

Too Hot.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Thursday, July 13, 2006

my trip to chicago

as you can see, i had an eventful trip east... it was just after midnight, it was raining, and i hydroplaned, turned 360 degrees, and hit a pole. i was extremely blessed...i wasn't injured at all and was even able to drive my car the rest of the way to chicago after getting it pulled out of the ditch. not bad for my first car accident, eh? let's hope my trip to wisconsin and then home tomorrow is a little less exciting. peace

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

new address & phone

hey everyone...

as you may remember, i'm moving to iowa city on (or around) august 1. here's my new address there:

54 westside dr.
iowa city, ia 52246

and i also got a new cell phone today. i'm now "in" the verizon network, so if you're a verizon customer, you can call me for FREE at:


and my old phone will be turned off sometime this week. i was so annoyed that they weren't able to transfer my number over...something about u.s. cellular having a monopoly on all phone numbers in southeast iowa. weird. anyway, hope everyone's doing ok. i'm off to chicago for the week, then my mom is getting her master's friday in wisconsin so i'll go up there for that. should be a good time.

have a great week!

oh, and if anyone wants to read an incredibly long story about how jay and i "hooked up" you can check out his blog at he posted it in 3 different chunks, so you'll have to read from the bottom up. don't feel obligated or's not for the faint of heart (or those wary of mushy love stories).

Monday, July 10, 2006


Anyone else think summer is going way too fast??

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th