Wednesday, February 22, 2006

my new addiction (aka the olympics)

hey guys...

i got depressed checking this blog and seeing the same old super bowl message when it's well past the super bowl. by the way, has anyone seen that commercial about arena football? it starts with a guy who's watching tv and slobbering down his shirt, and then it cuts to this doctor guy who says "each year millions of people suffer from post-superbowl-stress-disorder or PSSD" (read: pissed). then he goes on to talk about how arena football is a good substitute. while i think the commercial is great, i myself am not a fan of the arena football.

luckily, though, i have the olympics to tide me over on my sports tv withdrawal. i'm loving it, but hating going to bed late every night and not getting anything done! i just can't stop watching! i was at home over the weekend and my dad and i watched almost half of the USA/Britain curling match. now that's pure boredom. i've decided that if i ever become an olympic athlete, curling will be my sport. although kristen wants me to commit to a 2-man (woman) bobsled team with her. could be fun.

so anyway, just thought i'd say hi and see if anyone was still out there...